Fertilising your plants can be intimidating. Too much and you may cause root rot. Too little and you may be denying your plants a chance to grow bigger and fuller. So what do you need to think about when you want to fertilise your plants?
Caring For Plants: Spring Edition
You've done it! You made it through the long, dark winter. Hopefully your plants have too. Spring is their favourite time of year and the time you need to do the most work so that they can thrive for years to come. Here are a few tips for what you should do to give your plants a spring clean.
Caring For Plants: Winter Edition
Taking care of your plants is all well and good in spring and summer - it's their natural time to thrive! But what do you do in the winter? Plants are more likely to fade away and leave you in the winter, so you need to take extra care as they go dormant waiting for spring. Never fear, we've got you covered. Just follow these simple steps.
To celebrate the start of the spring we're hosting a pop-up in the Royal Botanical Gardens for the next 3 weeks.
Potting Up: A Step by Step Guide
After a year or so in the same pot, it might be time to give your plant a change of scenery. After about this long the plant will have sucked all available nutrients from the soil and will reach a plateau in terms of growing - if it has no more food to eat, all you're doing is maintaining it by watering it.
As many plant parents know, the most important elements of keeping a plant alive are water, light and fertiliser. But what exactly is indirect light? How do you know where to put your plant for ideal light coverage? Why can't you just put all plants next to the window and be done with it? How come plants that grow naturally outside have different light requirements when they're inside? We're here to answer all your questions.