Caring For Plants: Spring Edition

Por Andreea Nemes

You've done it! You made it through the long, dark winter. Hopefully your plants have too. Spring is their favourite time of year and the time you need to do the most work so that they can thrive for years to come. Here are a few tips for what you should do to give your plants a spring clean. 

For months your monstera, devil's ivy, fern and rubber plants have all been quietly lying dormant, waiting for the sun to come back out and now it's here! Let's help them get ready for maximum growth in the coming months. 


If you haven't repotted your plants in a year or more, spring is the best time to do it. Have a look at the bottom of your pot - are the roots coming out of the holes? That's a sure sign that the plant is ready to graduate to a bigger pot. Make sure you don't jump in size too much - too much room for the roots will stress the plant out. Don't go much bigger than a 1-2 inch difference in diameter. 


Give your plants a growing boost by adding some fertiliser. We like to use seaweed fertilisers, diluted by water. Don't give them too much, as that may cause root rot and you definitely don't want that. 


There's a good chance your plants have some yellowing or brown leaves - now is the time to get rid of them! We know it's an anxious exercise but trust us, your plant is about to get a seasonal growth spurt and you want to make sure you're leaving it as much room as possible to grow. 


Location, location, location! If you've moved your plants to take advantage of a better light situation during the winter, now is the time to move them back to their natural habitat in your house. If you moved them next to the window but they prefer more indirect light, make sure you put them back where they like it best, or else you run the risk of drying them out.